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Theology Events 

John Paul II Lecture
September 20, 2024 - 7:00 pm 
SBHall Multipurpose Room 122

The Department of Theology has invited Donald Prudlo, PhD, William K. Warren Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Tulsa, to deliver this year's John Paul II Lecture. Prudlo's presentation is titled "Where Would Thomas Aquinas Live in Middle-Earth?" The John Paul II Lecture will take place on Friday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of SB Hall. A reception will begin at 6:45 and continue after the lecture. All are welcome to attend.

"Human Dignity and the Two Powers"
Pater Edmund Waldstein  
September 25 - 4:00 pm, SBHall Serafy Room 138

"Aquinas on Leadership"
September 23 - 12-12:50, Braniff 201

 On Sept. 23 & 25 , the Theology Department will host Pater Edmund Waldstein, OCist, monk of Stift Heiligenkreuz, for a presentation on human dignity. The presentation will investigate traditional Catholic teaching on the "two powers," spiritual and temporal, and demonstrate how an understanding of this teaching can inform a proper understanding of human dignity.

In modernity, human dignity has often been understood as a pre-social category, adhering to human persons even when all social belonging has been stripped from them. Some thinkers interested in reviving the insights of ancient Aristotelian have therefore been suspicious of the concept of human dignity, and have tried to revive an ethic of honor, founded on social roles that serve the common good. Traditional Catholic teaching on the “two powers,” spiritual and temporal, can provide resources for a deeper understanding of human dignity. An ordered relation of those who have the care of the temporal common good of political society, and those who have the care of the common good of the most universal society, the City of God, enables us to see human dignity not as a pre- or anti- social category, but rather as the worthiness of all human persons to be honored as actual or potential sharers in the divine common good.  Fr. Edmund’s website: https://thejosias.com/author/sancrucensis/

Landregan Lectures 
Speaker: Brant Pitre
March 6, 2025 - 7:00 pm
SB Hall, Multipurpose Room 122
(reception to precede and follow)